Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Random thoughts

- Modulation at the end of pop songs.
Why? Is it an attempt to disguise the fact that a song is being stretched to needless length? Did the songwriter or arranger think "Here's something that'll inject harmonic interest!"? Please, all of you, stop doing it. When Stevie Wonder went totally over the top with "Golden Lady," that should have been a sign to generations of musicians. But no.

- Outkast and child-naming.
Bamboo and Seven (or is it 7?)? Not only are the names stupid in and of themselves (does Seven even count as a name?), but Seven makes for an incredibly clumsy rhyme in "A Life in the Day." Granted, Bamboo's cameo on Speakerboxx is arguably better than the actual song and he has cool hair, but... Bamboo?